Friday, February 20, 2009

Update February 21, 2009

The first picture is of some of the scenery on the way to the police station where I'll be doing most of my work.

The second is one of the Police vehicles at the PD.
The next is of a school in the compound where the PD is.
The next is a painting on the wall of the PD.
It's a pretty good rendition of the Country.
That should be good for today.
Working everyday, the Army guys I'm with are great, very motivated.
Hey kicking bird, there's a Lt here with your name.
Says he has family in RI. He's from Illinois.


  1. Steve, its interesting how all the photos you send seem like a stream of varying shades of tan and grey...

    Crayola should do a humanitarian relief mission

  2. Steve, Really enjoy the pictures and find them very interesting. Wish I was there with you. Stay safe and stay in touch. Keep the pictures coming with the blog. Phil

  3. Steve, Really enjoy the photos. Must be great to finally be doing the job. Keep in touch and stay safe my friend!!!! Phil

  4. Great to hear from you Steve. Keep the pictures coming. I hope all is well. Stay safe. Jay

  5. Steve with all these pictures and descriptions of the different places you've been there, maybe you should see about starting up your own tourist site seeing company...kinda like the duck tours in Boston....minus the water and a bar on every corner. STAY SAFE and keep the posts coming.
